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Amazing needs behind the purchase of a sewing machine

Amazing needs behind the purchase of a sewing machine

One day I was visiting a renowned and traditional manufacturer of sewing machines. Models from the last 125 years of the manufacturer were exhibited in the entrance. What fascinated me was that you could clearly see the mechanical improvements over the years from the early days until around 1990.

From the 1990s onwards, there was a clear break – the further development of the sewing machine into a sewing computer. In fact, the devices are already so good that further mechanical improvements are of little noticeable benefit to customers. The focus is therefore increasingly on software and complementary services.

Nähmaschine mit freigelegten inneren Teilen und Schaltkreisen auf einem Holztisch.

I asked about the specific needs of the customers on site. I am told:“You know, our customers don’t buy a sewing machine, they buy a life!“. By “life”, the following benefit was meant: an entertaining pastime that gives pleasure to oneself and others.

For the predominantly older customers, the modern devices primarily require training in digital aids. There is also a need for instructions and opportunities to give others pleasure that is more in line with their needs.

The grandma should therefore, for example be able to create a home-made iPad cover for the granddaughter with exactly the right dimensions for the current model instead of the home-made scarf. The cover for the granddaughter can be decorated with the motif of her favorite superheroine, e.g. Wonder Woman.

Always ask yourself what needs your products and services really satisfy. You might be amazed at what comes to light there. You should definitely incorporate your findings into product and service development.
