
On the road to success together: Your paths into the future.

Our structured Success Trails enable teams to master entrepreneurial challenges independently.

All paths apply aspects of our Thread of Success and Business Excellence.

Our guiding world is the Future World. The other worlds deal with specific aspects of the future. As the principles behind the paths are always the same, you can combine anything with anything.

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The future world is our guiding world

The world for organizations that want to be on the road to success in both good and bad times with a handy approach.

Success Trails in the Future World

Is Success Seeker something for you? Take the test!

The future world is our guiding world, the paths are universally useful.

Success Trails in the Future World

The world for organizations that want to be on the road to success in both good and bad times with a handy approach.

In the Digital World, you can digitally transform your organization

Success Trail in the Digital World

The world for organizations that want to drive meaningful digitalization and successfully manage digital change.

Our Champions World makes external excellence assessments easier for you

Success Trail in the Champions World

The world for organizations that live business excellence and strive for official recognition.

Sustainable World promotes sustainable management

Success Trails in the Sustainable World

The world for organizations that want to operate sustainably and earn money with the circular economy.

In the Cultural World, you improve your interaction with each other

Success Trails in the World of Culture

The world for organizations that want to offer professionals a great environment in which they can develop personally.

The Digital World addresses the digital transformation, the Champions World focuses on excellence

The world for organizations that want to drive meaningful digitalization and successfully manage digital change.

Success Trail in the Digital World

The world for organizations that live business excellence and strive for official recognition.

Success Trail in the Champions World

Our Sustainable World promotes economic sustainability and the cultural value of interacting with one another

The world for organizations that want to operate sustainably and earn money with the circular economy.

The world for organizations that want to offer professionals a great environment in which they can develop personally.

Success Trails in the Cultural World

The world for companies that want to pursue meaningful digitalization and successfully master the digital transformation.

The world for companies that want to do business sustainably and earn money with it.

The world for companies that want to offer a culture in which specialists enjoy working because everyone can develop personally.

The world for organizations seeking public recognition for their excellent performance.

Current offers with reference customer discount

Autorisierter INQA-Coach Logo: Agil in die digitale Zukunft.

German funding program

Agile into the digital future

This offer supports employees in medium-sized organizations to develop specific solutions for three challenges facing your organization. We offer personal coaching, a comprehensible approach and state-of-the-art tools.

The time required for organization and administrative work is kept to a minimum. In addition, up to 80% of the costs are eligible for state subsidies in Germany.
To the offer
KMU Digital Roadmap der Wirtschaftskammer Biel-Seeland, mit blauem Hintergrund und Papierflieger-Symbol.

Complete digital transformation

Digital transformation A-Z

With this offer, you can implement your digital transformation independently. The 'SME Digital Roadmap' contains five proven Success Trails for all important aspects of transformation, from determining the current situation to the implementation plan.

Your team focuses on creativity, while the system does the hard work.
To the offer

Discover our worlds of success

The world for companies that want to pursue meaningful digitalization and successfully master the digital transformation.

The world for companies that want to be on the road to success in both good and bad times with a handy approach.

The world for companies that want to operate ecologically and earn money with the circular economy.

The world for companies that want to offer an environment in which people enjoy working and everyone can develop personally.

The world for companies that live business excellence and strive for official recognition.