UNSDG Goal 14: Life below water

UNSDG Goal 14: Life below water

In our everyday lives, we reduce our plastic consumption by using cloth bags when shopping, preferring reusable bottles and recycling consistently. In this way, we also make a small contribution to protecting our oceans.
The United Nations’ 14 goal, “Life Below Water“, is committed to preserving the oceans and marine resources for future generations. The goal addresses the urgent need to combat marine pollution – which is mainly caused by plastic. The goal also emphasizes the importance of clean waters and the protection of underwater habitats.
Organizations can contribute to this with both small and large measures. Here are three examples:
  • Gastronomy: Restaurants can give preference to sustainably caught fish and minimize their kitchen waste. This would at least make a small contribution to reducing the impact on the oceans.
  • Tourism industry: Tour operators can offer educational programmes on marine ecology and organize beach clean-ups to raise awareness for the protection of ecosystems. After all, clean beaches and clean seas are important for sustainably successful tourism.
  • Textile industry: Clothing manufacturers can contribute to the fight against marine pollution caused by microfibers by using recycled fabrics. They can also develop and use innovative washing solutions that do not pollute the oceans.