How a child successfully makes play friends – using the Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence) as an example

How a child successfully makes play friends – using the Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence) as an example

Children know no management methods. They don’t do “change workshops” and don’t read guidebooks. And yet they manage –  even without outside help –  to successfully pursue their goals. 

Erfolg anstreben

Little Tim has a goal – he wants to find the coolest friends on the playground to play with every afternoon after school. His goal for success is to have a great time with others.

Beziehungen pflegen
Beziehungen pflegen

Tim knows that children like to play in the playground with someone who is fair, funny and creative. The children’s parents attach great importance to it being respectful and peaceful. The playground operator expects the playground rules to be followed.

Ausgewogen planen

Tim thinks about it and draws up a plan. He will show the children his best play ideas, share his toys with others and give others their freedom. And he will observe the playground rules to make sure there is no trouble.

Praktisch umsetzen

Day after day, Tim puts his plan into action. He shows the other children how to play a new game, he shares his snacks and he makes sure that nothing bad happens.

Erfolg sicherstellen

Tim is soon greeted by the other children on the playground. The parents are satisfied with Tim’s behavior and the respectful treatment of their children. There was never a complaint from the playground operator. Tim has achieved his goal – he now has lots of friends with whom he can play every afternoon.

This simple but striking example shows the application of the Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence) to an everyday situation in a child’s life. Children quickly learn what they can “get away with” and what they can’t. And they quickly adapt their behavior to the environment.
