How a wolf pack hunts successfully – using the example of Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence)

How a wolf pack hunts successfully – using the example of Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence)

The hunt of a pack of wolves is a fascinating and impressive spectacle of nature. With their highly developed social structure and sophisticated hunting strategies, wolves stalk as a team. Their cooperative teamwork enables them to successfully hunt even large prey.

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Wolves hunt as a pack to survive and satisfy their hunger. The desired “success” in this case is the capture of prey.

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Beziehungen pflegen

Every wolf in the pack has a specific role and knows what is expected of them. Expectations are based on each wolf’s skills, experience and rank and are managed accordingly. The lead wolf is responsible for leadership.

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Wolves use different hunting strategies depending on the type of prey, the local conditions, the wolves’ abilities and the number of pack members. A commonly used strategy is cooperative chasing, where wolves work closely together to exhaust and overpower prey.

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Wolves often rely on teamwork to implement their hunting strategy. For example, to drive prey towards a specific area where other pack members are waiting for them.

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Studies show that wolf packs are successful in around 30 percent of their hunting attempts on average. After a successful hunt, the wolves divide the prey among themselves. By checking whether they are full, they instinctively judge whether the hunt was successful. Wolves learn quickly from unsuccessful hunts and adapt accordingly.

Overall, it can be said that a wolf pack follows a similar pattern to Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence), albeit in a completely different context and on an instinctive rather than a conscious level. It is remarkable how basic principles of cooperation and goal pursuit can be found both in nature and in human behavior.
