Earning money with high added value in the circular economy

Earning money with high added value in the circular economy

There are four starting points for how companies can increase their added value with the circular economy. Below you will find inspiration on how you can do this in your company.

Economic value creation (How do you earn money with the KLW?)

The purchase of materials has a major leverage effect on your costs. For example, if you buy recycled materials, they should be cheaper than new materials. In other words, you are creating economic value here.

If you sell higher-value goods, these are your stock of the future. Ideally, you should offer customers the option of taking back their appliances. In this way, you can ensure that you use fewer resources than your competitors and thus reduce your procurement costs.

Ecological value creation (How does the KLW benefit the Sustainable World?)

You can achieve this by using resources that are already available and thus consuming fewer resources. In this way you reduce your ecological footprint. This is because up to 70% of energy is consumed on the way from the raw material (e.g. iron ore) to the raw material (e.g. alloy steel for the automotive industry).

The use of existing resources offers you the opportunity to reduce your ecological footprint. This means you produce fewer emissions and have the advantage that you need less energy to do so, thus saving energy in addition to government charges (e.g. CO2 levies).

Social value creation (How do I generate customer benefits with KLW?)

By creating increased customer benefits through the KLW, you improve your sustainable image and can thus increase customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, skilled workers are increasingly opting for sustainable companies when choosing their future employers.

The increased customer benefit gives you a better image, not least through word-of-mouth propaganda, and opens up new customer segments. The EU Ecodesign Directive can be a great opportunity for you to further promote your sustainable image. Surveys of skilled workers have shown that, in addition to the meaningfulness of the company, the sustainability efforts of the company also play a key role among the most important criteria when choosing a company.

Technical added value (How can I benefit technically from the KLW?)

Thanks to the technology available today, you can check the delivered products remotely. These will be a great experience for both your customers and you. valuable data source. Possible Production and delivery problems are recorded almost in real time. This allows you to react more quickly and take corrective action. This leads to fewer failures for your customers. You will also receive information about the product’s service life and usage patterns. Which you can in turn use to optimize your resource consumption.

The information you gain will become increasingly important in your relationship with your partners. You should use this valuable source of data to your advantage. This allows you to react more quickly to changing market requirements or production and delivery problems. Ideally, you will not have any missing material or unplanned machine downtimes. For example, if you choose the business model (consistent return of “old” products), you can often supply spare parts more quickly.
