Frequently asked questions about the data

Frequently asked questions about the data

What data is stored?

By its very nature, the system stores personal data, in particular from the course of Success Paths, from your contributions and from the interactive exercises (“gamification”).

Where is the data stored?

Data is processed and stored on an Amazon AWS server. Personal data is stored in Switzerland. We obtain the artificial intelligence services via an API to OpenAI and MS Azure.  

 Who sees which data in the team?

With mathematical statistical data, e.g. when setting priorities, no one in the team can see who voted how. In the case of personal contributions, everyone in the team is shown who has written what. The contributions are a means to an end and should ultimately make the discussion easier for you.

 What measures are in place with regard to data security?

The system is designed in such a way that as much data as possible is processed on the AWS environment. We have implemented extensive data security systems and always keep our system up to date. 
