How a manufacturer of milling tools makes clever use of waste heat

How a manufacturer of milling tools makes clever use of waste heat

A manufacturer of milling tools has a large number of production machines. The machines constantly give off a lot of heat. This waste heat uselessly heats up the environment. However, the waste heat from the machines should not be wasted but used as a useful source of energy.

In order to use waste heat efficiently, it must be collected, bundled and “processed”. And that across the large number of machines scattered around the production hall.

When the new production hall was built, care was taken to integrate the necessary systems and connections for collecting and processing waste heat. The machines are connected to the system in the production hall.

Among other things, the manufacturer uses the waste heat to produce hot water for heating in winter. This reduces energy costs. The manufacturer feeds the surplus heat into a district heating network. The manufacturer thus helps to ensure that the heat is useful elsewhere. This reduces the consumption of resources, e.g. fossil fuels, for the Sustainable World. The manufacturer of milling tools benefits from additional revenue, which in total reduces the originally considerable energy costs even further.

Think about what energy you are giving away uselessly or consuming too much uselessly in your company. How can you cleverly reduce consumption or use the surplus for other purposes?