How a microswitch manufacturer uses its corporate culture as the key to the circular economy

How a microswitch manufacturer uses its corporate culture as the key to the circular economy

60% of the current customers of a microswitch manufacturer are located in the EU. These also account for 60% of sales. These European customers are increasingly demanding more transparency and want circular solutions. Together with the management, the Board of Directors has therefore decided to take the company down the path of the circular economy.

Today’s linear business model has (too) long been based on the approach of produce, deliver and forget. The aim was to bring recyclable products onto the market in the shortest possible time. Under these circumstances, there was an urgent need to radically change the previous business model. The company’s focus on the future has therefore resulted in structural changes. Everyone in the company was challenged. The Board of Directors, Executive Board and employees took up the challenge.

An advisory board was established to support the transformation process. This was not (only) made up of experienced people. The company used the broad range of its employees (different cultures and educational levels) to shape this process. The company thus utilized the creative potential associated with diversity. Experience had shown that this was often underestimated or left unused.

The prerequisite for this was a corporate culture that was open and willing to learn, but also allowed for mistakes. It was equally important that the company accepted unusual ideas and designs and did not simply shelve generated ideas on the grounds of a lack of return on investment.

Imagine how you discuss the implementation with everyone in your company and thus create a broad basis and acceptance for the circular economy.