How do the evaluations work?

How do the evaluations work?

The dilemma of evaluations

In everyday life, we are used to either laboriously evaluating questionnaire data or waiting for a PDF evaluation.

In addition, it is often the case that only one person has completed a questionnaire and the evaluation merely reflects the entries. There is often a lack of added value, e.g. in the form of links.

After all, things change quickly these days. However, because evaluations involve a lot of effort, we do not update them. Many evaluations are therefore outdated.

The procedure for Success Seekers

Teamfilter Webseite: Berichte, Anmelden, Speichern als PDF. Teamansichten und Bewertung nach Anmeldung.
Kundenzufriedenheitstabelle mit Erfolgsfaktoren, Bewertungen, und Rankings.

Basics of the evaluations

  • Dependence on questionnaires: All reports and analyses are based on the responses from the questionnaires. No completed questionnaire, no report.

  • Combination of data: The system can combine data from different questionnaires so that you sometimes see evaluations that come from different sources.

  • Comprehensibility: The answers in the reports could be different or shortened in order to increase readability and comprehensibility.

  • Dynamic calculation: The evaluations are updated in real time. If new data is added or changed, the report reflects these changes immediately.

Data protection and anonymity

  • No personal data: In the case of numerical evaluations, it is deliberately not possible to assign data to individuals in order to allow open feedback.

  • Personal data: For text entries, everyone can see the author. After all, you should discuss your contributions openly within the team. To do this, you need to know who to talk to.

  • Unanswered questions: If a question is skipped, it is interpreted as “don’t know”. A special “don’t know” field in the questionnaire is therefore superfluous.

Navigating in the evaluations

  • Filter: You can switch between team and individual reports to make comparisons.

  • Download: Reports can be downloaded as PDF files. They may not be graphically perfect, but they are always clear and legible.

Visualizations and evaluations

  • Sigma sign (∑): A sigma sign indicates a high scattering. Examples: The team has very different opinions or a questionnaire aggregates values from questions that were rated very differently. An average value can be misleading here.

  • Color codes: Colors reflect the rating – from red (bad) to green (good). These color codes correspond to those in the questionnaire.

  • Maturity level: Translates percentages into four maturity levels. A higher degree of maturity is better, whereby 3 should be aimed for as a minimum.

  • Star rating: Stars represent an extension of the maturity level. Five stars is the maximum.

  • Fuel gauge: A visual indicator of the overall status – a full tank is ideal.

  • Point evaluation: Helps to identify improvements. Rising scores indicate progress.

All in all, the evaluations show you your perceptions. The benefit is:

  • You can see if you have a common understanding
  • You see things from several perspectives
  • You can see where your strengths lie
  • You can see where action is needed
  • You can set better priorities
