How do the questionnaires work?

How do the questionnaires work?

The dilemma of questionnaires

We are often asked to fill out questionnaires in everyday life. We don’t usually like to do that. This also often has to do with the questionnaires.

Some questionnaires are really long. That tires us out quickly. Others are very short. Especially when questionnaires are short, we are often asked to assess statements that have many “and” combinations in the sentence. E.g.“We have defined, communicated and successfully implemented a powerful strategy“. In reality, these are 3 separate questions, each of which deserves a separate assessment.

Finally, we are often asked to assess this using an extensive Likert scale, ranging from “not at all” to “completely”. When in doubt, we cross the middle.

Especially when it comes to difficult questions or new topics, we often lack the context, knowledge or important details to provide a serious answer. As a result, we often answer questions purely on instinct.

Ultimately, many questions are asked of a single person. For example, a manager. This is often intended to competently address a very broad topic. This is possible in our division of labor world, however, does not reflect reality. Today, knowledge is spread across many know-how carriers.

Procedure for Success Seekers

Fragenbogen Erklärung screenshot: Deutsch, Navigation, Beurteilung, Verhalten, Bilder, Ja/Nein, Optimale Verteilung.

Principles and purpose of the questionnaires

  • (Almost) all questionnaires are optional: you decide whether to complete them.
  • Your cooperation counts: The more conscientiously you fill in the forms, the greater the benefit for you and the team.
  • Optional in-depth study: In many questionnaires, you have the opportunity to answer questions in greater depth. A deepening is very valuable for your team and your report.
  • Overall picture: Everyone in the team fills out the same questionnaires. In this way, everyone can contribute with their specific know-how and knowledge.

Operation and symbols

  • Introduction to the subject matter: You will never be confronted with unprepared questions. Before each questionnaire, you will receive an introduction so that you know exactly what topic to expect.
  • Help with questions: Difficult questions are marked with a “?”. Click on it to get additional explanations.
  • “Don’t know“: If you can’t answer a question, then don’t answer it. Not answering automatically counts as“don’t know“.
  • Rating system: We generally use a 4-point Likert scale. This means that there is no neutral answer option such as “I don’t care”. You choose between “rather yes” and “rather no”.
  • Selection fields and priorities: You can often only check a limited number of options. This helps to set priorities. Some sheets also require you to select options first and then rank them in order of importance.
  • AI support: AI can optionally support you in some questionnaires. For example, you can sometimes request a spelling correction.

Data protection and anonymity

  • Anonymous ratings: No conclusions can be drawn about individuals in the case of evaluation questions. So share your opinion freely and without hesitation!
  • Personalized text responses: Note that text responses display the author. The team should thus know with whom it can discuss a particular point.
  • Protected environment: Only the team itself can later see the team evaluations.

Special features and repeated entries

  • “Smart questionnaires”: Our questionnaires are intelligent. They recognize whether you have already filled them out and inform you of this. They also update themselves automatically.
  • Repeated entries: Some questionnaires can be completed more than once. Some only take your most recent answers into account, while others save and evaluate all your entries. After submitting, you will be shown what type of questionnaire it is.
  • Personal development: Some sheets are for your personal development and can only be viewed by you. This applies first and foremost to your digital notebook.

Storage and post-processing

  • Automatic processing: After you have clicked “Send”, your answers will be saved. Reports are often updated dynamically at the same time. You will receive a confirmation as soon as the data has been successfully saved.
  • Visibility of your entries: You will see your entries in the places provided in the Success Trail. You can see personal details in your notebook.
  • Edit your entries: You can delete your text responses in the evaluations. Post-processing is sometimes possible under certain conditions. This is the case if there are no other dependencies. A dependency exists if your text is linked to a selection field (e.g. “Idea”).

All in all, the questionnaires have the following benefits for you:

  • You always know what you are filling in 
  • You have minimal effort when filling out the form
  • You always have the choice – whether and how much you want to share
  • You can really all contribute to success
  • You promote your ability to make decisions and prioritize
  • You gain very valuable insights in a simple way
