How does learning through play work?

How does learning through play work?

The dilemma of learning through play

As children, we learn intuitively and through play. We are taught this in the course of our upbringing. A lot of creativity is lost in the process. One exception is computer games, which are experiencing a boom, even if many of them are not exactly of educational value.

In our professional lives, we hardly ever think of learning things through play – even though we know that it works and motivates us.

Procedure for Success Seekers

On our Success Trail, we encourage learning through play, self-assessment and mutual praise.

Interaktive Übung: Bedürfnisse hinter Produkten erkennen und zuordnen.

Use of interactive game elements

1. optionality:

All games are optional. We respect the decision whether you want to play or not.

2. reference to learning content:

The games always relate to relevant Success Trail content and are designed to be thought-provoking and accessible at the same time.

3. types of play:

Simple and recurring design to promote familiarity. There are around 10 game types available, including:

  • Memory
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Quiz
  • Sorting
  • Summaries
  • Push & identify words

4. operability:

The games are intuitive, although some require technical precision, e.g. the target field should change color when “pushing words”.

5. motivational mechanisms:

  • Experience points: The better a game is completed, the more points. A perfect solution leads to a special award.
  • Team points: For cooperative behavior in the team. Corresponding awards are presented by team members.
  • Success points: Earned by actively participating in Success Teams and completing a Success Trail.

6. logic & goal:

The system rewards those who

  • actively participate in the Success Trail,
  • expand their knowledge in a playful way
  • and act positively in a team.

This reflects the path to success!

7. success center – My success:

Here you can see your points and your team ranking. The aim here is to promote a healthy but not really serious competitive spirit.

Rangliste der besten Teilnehmer mit Punkten für Erfahrung, Erfolge und Team.
Team-Auszeichnung: Wer verdient die Problemlöser-Auszeichnung? Stimmen Sie jetzt ab.
Team-Auszeichnungen: Problemlöser, Umsetzer und Wertschätzer mit jeweiligen Symbolen und Punktwerten.
Erfolgsucher und Erfolgfinder: Erfolge, Abzeichen, Punkte, Team, Erfolg, abgeschlossen, Benutzeroberfläche.

All in all, the games and awards have the following benefits for you:

  • You will be motivated
  • You learn more actively
  • You awaken the playful ambition in you
  • You promote cultural interaction
  • You can see how your strengths are perceived
