How to measure satisfaction

How to measure satisfaction

Whether a project is successful in the end depends very much on the satisfaction of the relevant interest groups.

Stakeholder satisfaction is usually measured using perception instruments. One perception, for example, is feedback on the perceived benefit compared to expectations. In the restaurant, for example, they ask “Was everything to your satisfaction?“.

The better an organization is, the broader and more appropriate the range of feedback instruments. As perceptions can change quickly, your measurements should also be able to register the changes. If, for example, an employee survey is only carried out every 3 years, it is not possible to record shifts in the perception of current issues.

Perceptions should always be measured against targets derived from the target picture or your plan. This allows measures to be derived from deviations from targets that are suitable for improving the relationship between the respective interest groups. These measures should be implemented promptly and communicated appropriately to the stakeholders.

Experience is an understood perception

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Schilling and Blum: According to Wikipedia, I’m not an internet addict! Analog cartoons for digitalized people © Lappan in der Carlsen Verlag GmbH, Hamburg 2015.

How can satisfaction be measured in concrete terms?

There are various methods for measuring the perceptions of interest groups and determining satisfaction. Some of the most common methods are:

  1. Surveys: Surveys can be conducted in the form of online questionnaires, personal interviews or telephone interviews. By asking specific questions, you can record the opinions and perceptions of the respondents and thus determine their satisfaction.

  2. Focus groups: Focus groups consist of a group of people who are asked to comment on a specific topic. A moderator leads the discussion in order to record the participants’ perceptions and assess their satisfaction.

  3. Complaint and feedback systems: Complaint and feedback systems help to collect feedback from customers and other stakeholders. These systems can provide rapid feedback and help to identify potential problems at an early stage.

  4. Social media analysis: The analysis of social media platforms can be used to record the opinions and perceptions of interest groups. Trends and moods can be identified by analyzing posts and comments.

  5. Reviews: Reviews on rating platforms can be an important source of information to find out the perceptions of customers and employees.

Not forgetting, of course, the personal conversation. Although it is more complex than the methods mentioned, it is also more profound, dynamic and clearly more appreciative.
