Reduce costs thanks to the reuse of (electronic) products

Reduce costs thanks to the reuse of (electronic) products

According to the Global E-Waste Monitor, a study by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a record amount of 53.6 million tons (Mt) of e-waste was generated worldwide in 2019.

Electronic waste includes computers and cell phones. On the one hand, these products contain toxic and hazardous substances such as mercury, brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These pose a serious risk to human health and the Sustainable World if they are not treated in an environmentally sound manner. In 2019, only 17.4 percent of e-waste was officially documented as formally collected and recycled. On the other hand, this e-waste consists of many metallic raw materials, such as copper and precious metals. This in turn could flow back into the material cycle if used correctly.

Device manufacturers are selling more and more. Once sold to the end customer, the rule is: out of sight out of mind. This is because the primary goal of entrepreneurial activity, which is still valid today, is to sell a maximum number of products at minimum cost.

Revendo, a Swiss start-up, focuses on the reuse of Apple and Android products, thus strengthening their sustainable use and keeping the devices in circulation for longer. Revendo is thus making a small contribution to reducing the amount of electronic waste generated each year. With this upcycling concept, Revendo offers an alternative to the throwaway mentality. Encourages people to do without the very latest appliances and thus take care of our nature and Sustainable World.

If you also want to do this, then start with an analysis in your company. Ask yourself which products in your portfolio can be upcycled or refurbished. This helps you to design your products in such a way that you can reuse them at a later date in the same context or in a different way.

The following examples can serve as a guide:


Freitag (freitag.ch): Truck tarpaulins become bags

Rewood (rewood.ch): Old pallets become furniture

Format12 (format12.ch): Outdoor posters become bags


Revendo (revendo.ch): Apple and Android products are refurbished

Girsberger (girsberger.com): Reconditioning program for seating furniture of all kinds