UNSDG Goal 08: Decent work and economic growth

UNSDG Goal 08: Decent work and economic growth

In our day-to-day work, we demand fair working conditions for ourselves and support equality. When companies exploit other people, we “punish” them with our wallets – and don’t buy from them.

United Nations Goal 8,“Decent Work and Economic Growth“, aims to promote sustainable growth. The aim is to increase economic output and improve labor standards at the same time. The goal promotes good employment for all and a reduction in unemployment and child labor.

Companies can support this goal in a variety of ways:

  • Textile industry: Fashion companies can rely on fair working conditions and sustainable materials. Fairly paid and satisfied employees throughout the supply chain make a positive contribution to the company’s image.
  • Jewelry industry: Jewelry manufacturers can rely on suppliers of gemstones that are conflict-free and mine gemstones under fair conditions.
  • Real estate industry: Builders can use local labor and materials to strengthen the local economy and create fair jobs. This promotes local employment and supports economic growth.