UNSDG Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

UNSDG Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

We humans are committed to making our cities more environmentally friendly, for example by consciously opting to use public transport, appreciating the green spaces around our homes and working to preserve historical sites.

The 11th goal of the United Nations – “Sustainable Cities and Communities” – aims to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This includes access to safe and affordable housing, reducing the environmental impact of cities and access to affordable and sustainable transportation systems for all. The goal also includes the preservation of cultural heritage, the efficient use of resources and the reduction of waste.

Organizations can make an effective contribution to this goal with various measures. Here are three examples:

  • Real estate sector: companies can invest in the construction and renovation of buildings so that they are (more) energy efficient and sustainable. This contributes to a healthier living and working environment.
  • Technology companies: By developing and using intelligent traffic control technologies, cities can optimize traffic flow. This can reduce congestion and improve air quality.
  • Retail: Local stores can promote the reduction of plastic packaging. They can encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags. These measures would lead to a more sustainable consumer culture and reduce urban waste.