UNSDG Goal 13: Climate protection measures

UNSDG Goal 13: Climate protection measures

We can all do a lot to protect the climate at home. We can cycle instead of driving. We can separate and reduce our waste. And we can reduce our energy consumption by switching off electronic devices when we are not using them. These simple actions also help to combat climate change.

The 13th goal – ” Climate action” – calls for urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving adaptability to climate change. The goal also includes promoting awareness of climate protection measures.

Every organization can make a contribution. Here are three examples:

  • Energy sector: Energy companies could invest more money in green energy so that fewer CO2 emissions are released into the air.
  • Construction industry: The construction industry can reduce the energy requirements of buildings through sustainable construction practices and the use of energy-efficient technologies.
  • Automotive industry: Car manufacturers can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the development of sustainable technologies, the increased promotion of more environmentally friendly drive systems and the optimization of the fuel efficiency of existing models.