What are other resources and why do you need them?

What are other resources and why do you need them?

For an organization to be successful, it is often not enough to simply have the necessary processes in place. The right “other” resources are also required to implement these processes and complete the supply chain.

Examples of such other resources:

Financial resources:
Financial resources represent the monetary resources available to an organization to implement its goals and strategies. For example, a start-up could raise funds through crowdfunding or angel investors to finance the development of an innovative product.

Natural resources: Natural resources are unprocessed materials that are extracted from the Sustainable World and serve as the basis for the production of goods. For example, a jewelry manufacturer needs precious metals and gemstones as natural resources to manufacture its products.

Land ownership: Land ownership refers to the ownership of land or real estate that can be used for various business purposes. For example, a company could purchase a piece of land to build a new production facility or as a location for a new distribution center.

Energy: Energy is a necessary resource for the operation of machines, systems and technologies that are used in a company’s business processes. For example, a manufacturing company could invest in solar energy to reduce its operating costs and improve its carbon footprint.

Sufficiently Qualified Staff: Qualified staff refers to a company’s employees who have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to achieve the organization’s goals, for example, a software company might invest in specialized training programs to increase the expertise and technical skills of its employees.

Personal note: At Success Seeker, we don’t like talking about “human resources (HR)” when referring to employees. We think the term is terrible. Unfortunately, this is how it has become established in the business world.

The responsible use of these resources and a sustainable energy supply has become an existential challenge for many companies. The rapid changes in the global and regional environment often leave companies little time to make careful decisions. This is further exacerbated by limited financial resources.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, but borrow it from our children.
