What is the difference between processes and projects?

What is the difference between processes and projects?

Let’s imagine we are in the midst of organizing a magnificent wedding celebration, a once-in-a-lifetime celebration that is lovingly crafted in great detail. Every decision, from the choice of the perfect location to the composition of the menu, is unique and aims to create an unforgettable day.

At the same time, there is our everyday family life, which is characterized by well-defined routines. Preparing breakfast every day, picking up the children from school, having dinner together – all these activities follow a fixed pattern that is repeated day after day, similar to the regular routines in a company.

Now, how does this reflect on our day-to-day business?


Continuous and repeatable
Standardized processes
Focus on stability
Predictable results
Long-term orientation


Temporary and unique
Individual, flexible approach
Focus on specific goals
Unique, specific results
Short to medium-term oriented

A company’s goals and strategy are implemented through day-to-day processes. Projects can help to improve processes. They are often initiated when many processes can benefit from a joint improvement.

Processes are like rivers that flow steadily and predictably in one direction, while projects are like stars in the sky - unique, bright and with a touch of magic that inspires us to strive ever higher.
