Who are the “employees” and what do they expect?

Who are the “employees” and what do they expect?

Employees are all employees in your company, from management to temporary workers.

Very good employees perform very well, inspiring customers with very good products and services. An organization will only be able to attract and retain very good employees if it is always aware of its employees’ benefit expectations. This requires a balanced set of instruments.

In the age of “Ich-AG”, “freelancing” and “Uber drivers”, the boundaries between employees and “quasi-employees” are becoming increasingly blurred. For most expectations, the form of employment is not so relevant, but in other cases it is. For example, if different rules apply to comparable work (only) on the basis of employment, which are considered unbalanced by one party. This can severely disrupt cooperation.

Don't just give people what they expect, but what they deserve.

On the one hand, the expectations of employees are about the person and the role (e.g. controlling, marketing, detective inspector).

In the role of “people”, employees often have the following expectations of their employer:

  • Fair pay and benefits: Employees expect fair pay commensurate with their role, experience and market norms, as well as appropriate benefits.
  • Working conditions and safety: They expect a safe and healthy working environment that promotes their physical and mental health.
  • Development and advancement opportunities: Employees expect opportunities for professional development and training to improve their skills and advance their careers.
  • Appreciation and recognition: They expect their work to be seen and valued and their contributions to be recognized.
  • Respectful and inclusive corporate culture: Employees expect a corporate culture that promotes respect, diversity and inclusion, in which they feel comfortable and respected.

In their specific role, however, employees have specific expectations of other employees. These are derived from the tasks and objectives of the role.

Typical targets set by crime commissioners for employees may include the following:

  • Professional behavior: Detectives expect their employees to act professionally at all times, both internally and in public. They should respect the dignity and rights of all persons with whom they come into contact in their work.
  • Thorough investigations: They expect their employees to be meticulous, careful and conscientious in their investigations to ensure that all relevant evidence is collected and properly documented.
  • Compliance with laws and procedures: They expect employees to comply with all relevant laws, regulations and internal procedures to ensure the integrity of their investigations.
  • Effective communication: You expect employees to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing, in order to convey information accurately and comprehensibly.
  • Teamwork and collaboration: They expect their employees to work together effectively and share information to solve complex cases.

So when it comes to employee expectations, both the “person” and the “role” must always be taken into account.
