Why it is also worth promoting “small” partners

Why it is also worth promoting “small” partners

One day I was at a powerful oil company that delivers its product to India and China on tankers of large shipping companies. These shipping companies are the most important suppliers of this oil company, as they deliver the product to the customer. To shed light on the oil company’s relationship with these shipping companies, I asked top managers of these oil companies the simple question: “What expectations do the shipping companies have of you, their customer?” 

The answer was surprising: “We expect the shipping companies to deliver our oil to the consumer on time.” I argued that this was the wrong perspective and discussed the relationship with this important supplier. Only gradually did the oil company understand the importance and potential of this supplier in terms of a win-win partnership.

It is not wise from a business point of view not to treat important suppliers as real partners, even if the customer is much more powerful than this supplier, or if the supplier is dependent on this customer.

Especially in crisis situations, it becomes clear that suppliers prefer those customers who maintain excellent relationships with them. This can be decisive for the customer’s existence.