Why strengths are so valuable and the average trap is dangerous

Why strengths are so valuable and the average trap is dangerous

Imagine if Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had concentrated on improving his weaknesses instead of promoting his musical talents. Perhaps he would have tried to become a better mathematician or historian instead of composing symphonies. The music world would be one genius poorer. This example shows impressively how important it is to focus on your strengths and build on them.

The average trap

In our society, you may tend to focus on your weaknesses. This is often referred to as the “average trap”. You strive to be average everywhere instead of excelling in one area. But by trying to improve your weaknesses, you often miss the chance to recognize and use your strengths.

It’s not wrong to work on weaknesses, especially if they get in your way. But it is just as important to recognize where your true talents lie and to promote them.

Recognizing and using strengths

Everyone has unique skills and talents. It is crucial to recognize these and bring them to the fore. By using your strengths:

  1. Increase your productivity: You work more efficiently when you do what you are good at.
  2. Increase your satisfaction: It feels good to be successful in one area.
  3. Do you offer added value: In a specialized world, building on a strength can make you a sought-after expert in that field.

Future-oriented thinking

To think future-oriented, you have to go beyond the status quo. Instead of focusing on the here and now, ask yourself where you want to be in five or ten years’ time. And instead of letting your weaknesses limit you, you should let your strengths guide you.
