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Why the Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence) is compatible with the Ubuntu Excellence Framework

Why the Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence) is compatible with the Ubuntu Excellence Framework

The AEF (African Excellence Forum) Framework, known as the Ubuntu Excellence Framework, is a comprehensive model for promoting sustainable excellence and performance improvement in organizations and communities. At its heart is the anchoring of the“Ubuntu” philosophy, which goes back to the African wisdom “I am because we are” and emphasizes values such as cohesion, responsibility and social awareness. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) of the United Nations are embedded in the outer ring of the framework and ensure that each of the seven main criteria encompasses not only economic, but also social and environmental outcomes.

The framework is based on seven core criteria, which range from strategic alignment, governance and stakeholder management to results monitoring and are based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The aim is to guide companies and organizations towards a culture of continuous improvement and sustainable excellence that is competitive and responsible.

Erfolg anstreben

The Ubuntu framework starts with strategic alignment and helps organizations define clear and meaningful goals that create both economic and social value.

A strong mission and vision focus the team’s energy on common goals, which generates motivation and focus.

Beziehungen pflegen
Beziehungen pflegen

The Ubuntu framework promotes the development and maintenance of strong relationships with stakeholders, customers and employees.

Understanding and meeting the needs of these groups builds trust and enables long-term collaboration, which supports social responsibility and equity.

Ausgewogen planen

The Ubuntu framework is used to develop systematic and sustainable plans that balance the needs of all stakeholders and make efficient use of resources.

The implementation of the UN SDGs is thus directly integrated into planning and contributes to sustainable value creation.

Praktisch umsetzen

The Ubuntu framework places great emphasis on the precise design and management of processes to ensure that all strategies and objectives are effectively realized in practice.

A strong team, well-optimized workflows and sustainable processes are crucial here.

Erfolg sicherstellen

Through continuous performance evaluation and the use of KPIs, the Ubuntu framework enables ongoing reflection and improvement of performance.

This ensures stakeholder satisfaction and creates the basis for long-term stability and the fulfillment of the SDGs.

The Ubuntu framework proves to be highly compatible with the 5-step frameworkSuccess-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence), as both approaches are based on the systematic and holistic development of business processes.

Strategic alignment, Thrive through Relationships, balanced planning, practical implementation and ensuring success are anchored in the Ubuntu Framework as well as in Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence). The Ubuntu framework also promotes the integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and makes it possible to harmoniously combine economic and social responsibility.

Organizations that use the Success-Thread (5-STEPS-to-Excellence) therefore find the Ubuntu framework an ideal complement to achieve excellence in a sustainable way and to optimally align both their internal and external goals.

