Success in 5 days
Success in 5 days

In 5 days to success

Quickly get a clear picture in terms of:

Sustainability Future development Digitalization Employer attractiveness Business excellence ...

You know what it’s like: important topics are left on the back burner forever because day-to-day business is always pressing. Sometimes you don’t even know where to start. When you do tackle things, you often end up organizing a big circus that doesn’t turn out very well.

Now imagine: In just 5 days you achieve self-determined clarity for your success goal. In just one week, you will have a tangible result that your specialists can refine further . And the best thing is: everything happens at off-peak times.

Welcome to our success weeks!

Our all-round carefree package

Eine Person tippt am Laptop während eines Webinars mit Kaffee und Notizbuch.

Webinar - 5 days to success

Ein Fahrer nutzt Smartphone und Auto-Navi zur Navigation.

Digital Success Path for your challenge

Onboarding of Tour Guides in the Erfolgsucher system

Module 1: Webinar - 5 days to success

Eine Person tippt am Laptop während eines Webinars mit Kaffee und Notizbuch.

In our five-day webinar series, you will learn how to solve problems in your organization in a structured and efficient way.

Each webinar lasts 1.5 hours and takes place at off-peak times. From Monday to Friday, you will receive practical tips every day that you can put into practice immediately. The dates are fixed.

The target group are people who strategically and operationally steer the progress of your organization. The webinar is idealfor the “Tour Guide” of a successful project.

The contents build on each other. Therefore, all webinars should be attended. Up to three participants per organization can take part in the webinars. This guarantees representation.

After the webinar, you will be asked to apply what you have learned directly. Therefore, plan up to 1.5 hours for at least one key person each day after the webinar.

Access to the Erfolgsucher system is not absolutely necessary. However, a suitable digital Success Path will make implementation easier for you, reduce the effort involved and increase your chances of success.

What is the benefit?


You learn to solve every problem with a simple system.


You avoid unnecessary and costly mistakes in organizational development.


You intuitively apply good practices of successful organizations.


You reflect on your current, individual challenge in a well-founded way.


At the end of the week, you will have a clear initial picture of your success.

Module 2: Suitable digital Success Path

Ein Fahrer nutzt Smartphone und Auto-Navi zur Navigation.

Our digital Success Paths make your implementation easier, reduce effort and increase your chances of success. We make sure that you choose the right Success Path for your challenge.

The digital Success Paths are structured paths to success. They guide you – as in a good consulting process – from your current situation to your success goal.

The things we show you in the webinar can be used seamlessly in the system. You save a lot of organizational and documentation work. The system also takes the effort out of reporting.

The system also inspires you with good practices and always gives you feedback. The team approach makes it very easy for you to contribute and gather your own knowledge and expertise. No special training is required.

On the 5th day of the webinar, you will already have a first valuable report from different perspectives. You can seamlessly add to and validate this in your organization. In our package price you can send up to 10 participants digitally on your journey to success.

What is the benefit?


You can apply what you have learned highly efficiently at any time and any place.


You save a lot of effort for organization and documentation.


You will receive valuable inspiration for your challenge.


You receive feedback and appreciation from the system at all times.


You get a real 360 degree picture of your know-how carriers.

Module 3: Onboarding the Tour Guide in the Erfolgsucher system

Our “Tour Guide Onboarding” offer helps you to prepare your Success Path in the best possible way. This is ideal before the webinar.

The aim is for Success Path to be clearly defined and set up correctly in the Erfolgsucher system. You should also put together the right team for the Success Path. The effort involved is the same as preparing a workshop.

Together, we look at where your challenges lie and how they can be described in such a way that both the participants and the AI in the system can work with them. We do not provide advice, but rather targeted preparation for your self-determined success.

You should plan around two hours for the meeting with our team. You will then need another half to full day to write everything down and coordinate it with your team. We will always give you feedback.

Access to the Erfolgsucher system or a suitable Success Path is required for the offer. The offer is particularly useful for the first Success Path . After that, you can customize future paths independently and much faster.

What is the benefit?


You make sure that you solve the right problem.


You make sure that the participants and the AI understand the problem.


You make sure that the right people are involved.


You have a good chance of achieving a good result.


You can ask individual questions during the webinar week.

Good to know: Our partners offer you great, extended offers

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