UNSDG Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

UNSDG Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In our private lives, we naturally stand up for justice and strong institutions. By paying attention to fairness in our social environment, speaking out against injustice and getting involved in our community.

These actions reflect the core idea behind the 16 Goal –“Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions“. The goal strives to promote a peaceful and inclusive society that provides access to justice for all and builds effective, inclusive institutions at all levels. The aim is to lay the foundations for a just society in which conflicts are resolved peacefully. Corruption should be combated at all levels and institutions should operate transparently and inclusively.

Organizations can contribute to this goal in a variety of ways. Here are three examples:

  • Gastronomy: Cafés could launch a “coffee-for-feedback” campaign, where customers are rewarded with a free coffee for their opinion on local projects and initiatives. This encourages guests to get involved and at the same time raises awareness of local issues.
  • Education: Schools and educational institutions can offer programs for their students to promote an understanding of democracy and conflict resolution. These can help students to become active and informed individuals.
  • Financial sector: Banks and financial institutions can help combat money laundering by introducing stricter measures. They can also help to promote financial transparency in order to prevent corruption and illicit financial flows.