Nine bosses who can’t delegate

Nine bosses who can’t delegate

9 bosses who can’t delegate.

Delegating is not easy for everyone. What prevents 9 bosses from doing so?


Boss 1 snatches up anything that looks interesting, even though he is already packed with work.  Overloaded with day-to-day business, he doesn’t get to do what his job should be. He has trouble rethinking, letting go, delegating and trusting.


Boss 2 still finds great fulfillment in his former tasks and cannot let go.


Boss 3 wants to shine himself.


Boss 4 thinks he can do it better. Only if he does it himself is it right. The boss overestimates himself and his perfectionism or mistrust prevents delegation.


Boss 5 thinks that if the employees don’t know and can’t do as much, then they won’t be able to overtake him as quickly.

Before he was in the management position, boss 6 was fully committed and took on as many tasks as possible. Later in the boss position, he sticks to the pattern that got him there … but will not stay there.


Boss 7 thinks that the employees are not able or willing to learn and that he has no interest or time to train them.


Boss 8 says that until he has explained something to the employee, he will quickly do it himself.


Boss 9 thinks that the more he delegates, the more he has to chase after information about the status of things.


Conclusion: If you are the boss and the 9 difficulties above trigger an echo in you, then…


Reflect on yourself!

What is easier for you? Taking on management or execution tasks? Notice if you, like many others, do the easier tasks. Instead, ask yourself the question: which tasks will I delegate from now on?


Take courage!

Have confidence and give your employees a chance! Wanting to keep control of everything is a trap that prevents any development of potential.