Expressing gratitude with non-violent communication

Expressing gratitude with non-violent communication

You are brilliant! – That doesn’t cut it.

Video “Non-violent communication – expressing gratitude – Marshall Rosenberg”.

It is about expressing gratitude, especially in the context of non-violent communication, which not only helps with conflicts.

Marshall B. Rosenberg explains how he received a compliment from a seminar participant: “You are brilliant!” He replied: “That’s no good! If you want to praise me, don’t tell me what I am or how I am. Instead, just express your sincere gratitude. Tell me three things:

  • What have I done that has enriched your life?
  • How did that make you feel?
  • What need has been met?

Rosenberg emphasizes that it is important to show gratitude from the heart to celebrate life, not to praise or reward someone.

Everyday example for a trainee:

Imagine you are an apprentice in a workshop. One day, a colleague helps you to complete a particularly difficult task. Instead of simply saying: “Thank you, you’re great!”, you could use the model of non-violent communication to say: “When you helped me so patiently with this task today, I felt really relieved. It’s good to realize that I’m getting support and understanding here. Thank you for that.” This shows genuine appreciation and gratitude without being manipulative or superficial.