The future of digitization

The future of digitization

The genus “Homo” originated about 2.5 million years ago. Homo sapiens have been around for around 300,000 years. So in evolutionary terms, it took us a good while to walk upright, invent computers and send each other hearts on social media.

The first mechanical computers (punch card machines) were created from around 1935, less than 100 years ago. Since then, digital development has significantly outpaced human evolution. The question that many people ask themselves in view of the rapid developments is:

Where is all this going?

Of course we don’t know that. But there are good indications in our history as to which direction we are heading. People have always strived for utopias and for “paradise”. Whether this really makes us happy remains to be seen. We are certainly working towards this. And somehow always have been…

Utopische und dystopische Gesellschaftsvision in deutscher Illustration von 1904.
Illustration for the book by Friedrich Eduard Bilz from 1904: The Future State (Utopia)

It is therefore no coincidence that many companies and start-ups advertise quite dominantly that they do not simply want to get richer with their products and services, but rather “make the world a better place”. What a … luck!

Ein Akita-Hund ruht entspannt im Gras eines gepflegten Gartens.

This is Kisho, my dog. He comes from the Akita Inu breed and is friends with Kaya. Kisho does what he wants from time to time, but that’s okay!

Roboterhund T800 in Ruheposition mit industriellem Design und leuchtendem Auge vor dunklem Hintergrund.

This is T-800, my future dog? He’s from the android species and is networked with HAL-9000. Does he sometimes do what he wants? And is that okay?
