UNSDG Goal 02: No hunger

UNSDG Goal 02: No hunger

In everyday life, we consciously choose seasonal and regional foods when shopping. We should also try to avoid wasting food by using leftovers creatively, for example. Sharing meals with neighbors or donating surplus food to local food banks are also good contributions.

The second goal, “No Hunger“, aims to end hunger worldwide. In addition to  food security, this includes improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture. It is therefore about guaranteeing all people access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food throughout the year. To this end, sustainable agricultural systems are to be supported, productivity increased and ecosystems protected.

Organizations can contribute to this goal in various ways. Here are three examples:

  • Food industry: The food industry can make a significant contribution by reducing food waste in production and donating surplus but still edible food to social institutions.
  • Retail: Supermarkets can cooperate with local farmers to offer fresh, seasonal produce. This results in shorter transportation routes, which are more environmentally friendly. They can also educate customers about sustainable consumption.
  • Technology and app developers: These could develop apps that connect consumers with local farmers or with food donations to organizations in need. This supports direct distribution channels and reduces food waste.