What is the organization and what role does it play?

What is the organization and what role does it play?

The organization supports the value creation of the processes. As the processes flow through the organization, the value streams should be optimally managed like a riverbed. Important factors influencing the organization are the culture, the size of the company and its purpose. The organization of a local SME differs considerably from that of a global corporation.

Successful companies know that the organization has one essential task above all: to support the processes as ideally as possible. Unfortunately, this simple rule is not always followed, which is why the organization often disturbs the harmony of the process.

Order is half the battle

A tidy and well-organized lifestyle helps to make life easier and avoid problems. This also applies to the organizational forms (“organizational structure”), which exist in a wide range of variants with their specific advantages and disadvantages. So-called “agile” organizations are currently in vogue.

Characteristics of good organizational structures

  1. Efficiency: A good organizational structure should be efficient and optimize the workflow in order to increase the company’s performance.
  2. Clarity and comprehensibility: A good organizational structure should be clear and comprehensible so that every employee knows who is responsible for which task.
  3. Flexibility: A good organizational structure should be flexible enough to respond to changing market conditions and business requirements.
  4. Open communication: A good organizational structure should promote open communication between stakeholders in order to quickly identify and solve problems and opportunities for improvement.
  5. Promoting collaboration: A good organizational structure should promote collaboration between departments and teams to increase the efficiency and performance of the company.
  6. Balanced distribution of tasks: A good organizational structure should have a balanced distribution of tasks and responsibilities in order to avoid overloading or underloading employees.
  7. Adaptability: A good organizational structure should be adaptable and able to adapt quickly to new technologies, market trends and business opportunities.
