Check: Successfully implementing sustainability

Check: Successfully implementing sustainability

Carry out a well-founded, AI-supported self-assessment of your sustainability as a team and continue your education at the same time.
Wish Bonix · July 30, 2024

The Success Trail “Success Check: Implementing Sustainability according to Business Excellence” enables a completely new dimension in sustainability efforts. Organizations can assess their organization or very specific challenges in terms of sustainability in a team with all know-how carriers. Each team can customize its self-assessment.

The team is accompanied by an Excellence AI that “thinks for itself” and provides direct feedback. She considers good sustainability practices for the team, highlights inspiring examples and summarizes all the team’s findings in real time in numerous perspectives. Reports are immediately and dynamically available to the team. Success Trails also include a complete Business Excellence training course and sustainability training course that users can access at any time.

All in all, the application of sustainability practices is becoming more useful, efficient and simple than ever before.

Dieser Erfolgsweg ist ideal für Teams und Organisationen, die ihre Organisation ausgewogen nachhaltig gestalten wollen und eine entsprechenden Nachweis benötigen.

Er richtet sich ferner an jene, die Nachhaltigkeit als Chance im Wettbewerb sehen, z.B. um neue Kunden zu gewinnen und fähige Mitarbeitende anzuwerben.

Der Weg bietet sich als eine hervorragende Stärkung eurer Nachhaltigkeits-Stragie an.

  • How can we successfully become more sustainable?
  • Do we strive for sustainability in a motivated and goal-oriented manner?
  • Do we have an eye on the interest groups that are critical to success?
  • Do we understand the expectations of our sustainability?
  • Are we proactively looking to the future when it comes to sustainability?
  • Do we have good answers to the various expectations?
  • Do we have a convincing plan to meet expectations?
  • Is our sustainability economically, socially and ecologically balanced?
  • Are we contributing to the well-being of society with our sustainability?
  • How systematically do we measure progress and improve?
  • Do we have an efficient reporting system for sustainability?
  • Are we satisfying our interest groups?
  • Are we also securing our future existence with sustainability?

Warum lohnt sich der Weg?

  1. Sichere Orientierung: Ihr werden in eurem spezifischen Kontext Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg geführt. Dabei wendet ihr gute Praktiken an und vermeidet Stolperfallen.
  2. Fordernde Abwechslung: Jeder Teilnehmer denkt sich systematisch in die gemeinsame Herausforderung hinein, was das übergreifende Lösungsdenken fördert.
  3. Individuelle Anerkennung: Jeder im Team wird gehört und geschätzt. Das Gesamtbild entsteht aus wertvollen Perspektiven basierend auf fachlichem Know-how.
  4. Starke Kultur: Das Team ist von Anfang an involviert und übernimmt Verantwortung. Das stärkt das Selbstvertrauen und das Miteinander.
  5. Schnelle Erfolgserlebnisse: Ihr spart 80% des Aufwands und erhaltet schnell Klarheit über die nächsten Schritte. Das Team ist motivierter für die Umsetzung.

Bonus: Business Excellence Schulung und KI-Kreislaufwirtschaft-Simulator 

Who is your Erfolgsucher?

Porträt von Alexander Herzner in einer Lupe, professioneller und aufmerksamer Ausdruck.

Alexander Herzner, Dr.

Alexander Herzner is an international expert on sustainable development in the context of business excellence.

Alexander has been researching and teaching for over twelve years in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic on topics such as corporate responsibility, sustainability management and corporate quality. He has written many works, including the book“Corporate Responsibility in Southern Germany“, and shows in workshops, speeches and lectures in an understandable way how to bring about positive change in companies.

As head of a respected institute for sustainability and ethics at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, he coordinates these activities. Dr. Herzner supports companies all over the world in transforming themselves towards profound sustainability. He tackles current challenges such as achieving carbon neutrality and tackling complex Sustainable World, social and corporate governance standards, demystifies these issues and embarks on the path to an exciting and liveable future with those who seek success.

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