Frequently asked questions about the purchase

Frequently asked questions about the purchase

How much do Success Trails cost?

We offer high quality, substance and security at a reasonable price. At the same time, we want every SME to be able to afford a Success Trail. You save extra with bundles. We therefore always sell our Success Trails as a bundle of benefits or as a package. The cost saving compared to the alternatives “do it yourself” or “hire a consultant” is at least 70% – if you really calculate the costs. It is also much faster and more sustainable.   

How does the purchase work?

The purchase is made conveniently via our success store. This works like a typical online store. Individual, multiple Success Trails or Success Bundles can be purchased in the store. Bundles are a collection of Success Trails that fit well together thematically. Products are added to the shopping cart for purchase. The invoice data is collected and the invoice is generated automatically. Once payment has been received, the routes will be unlocked, and you can assign a team name for group routes when purchasing. This can be changed at a later date.

What means of payment are accepted?

Payment can be made by bank transfer, major credit cards and PayPal. 

We prefer payment by bank transfer due to high fees. With proof of the transfer, e.g. as a screen shot, we activate the Success Trail very promptly. 

Can I buy additional participant places?

Additional places can be purchased at any time. Compared to buying immediately, however, you lose out on the possibility of volume discounts.
