Our partners
Our partners

Our renowned partners promote the success of our customers

Success Seeker is backed by a strategic network of selected, renowned and reliable partners.

The cooperations complement the added value and increase the benefits for our customers.

Our partners promote customer success with special offers.

WIBS promotes the SME Digital Roadmap for its members

The Biel-Seeland Chamber of Commerce(WIBS) is a politically neutral association in Switzerland with the purpose of strengthening the region. WIBS has over 1,000 members. The focus is on companies (SMEs). WIBS is extremely innovative and close to the customer. 

All WIBS members enjoy special conditions for the”SME Digital Roadmap” with Success Seeker. As a WIBS member, please contact WIBS directly if you are interested.

We are a member of WIBS ourselves and have been a business partner for many years.

ESPRIX promotes business excellence in the Champions World (CH)

The ESPRIX Foundation promotes the competitiveness of Swiss organizations through business excellence. It has been presenting the prestigious ESPRIX Excellence Award for outstanding entrepreneurial achievements for over 20 years.

In the “Champions World“, ESPRIX offers useful Success Trails to obtain high-profile recognition more easily, efficiently and effectively. For special offers, interested organizations should contact the ESPRIX.

Robert Knop is a long-standing international Business Excellence Assessor and member of the Esprix Foundation Board.

ILEP promotes business excellence in the Champions World (DE)

The ILEP (Initiative Ludwig-Erhard-Preis e.V.) is a German organization that is committed to promoting quality management and excellence in companies and organizations. The Ludwig Erhard Preis is ILEP’s most prestigious award for outstanding entrepreneurial achievements in Germany. 

In the “Champions World“, ILEP offers useful Success Trails to obtain high-profile recognitions more easily, efficiently and effectively. Interested organizations should contact the ILEP.

Together with ESPRIX, Robert Knop is closely associated with ILEP as a partner.

AWS promotes the use of technology for participants in the SME Digital Roadmap

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing service offered by Amazon.com. AWS offers a variety of cloud computing services, e.g. storage and provisioning services as well as tools for artificial intelligence.

Selected companies that successfully complete the SME Digital Roadmap will receive a non-binding AWS technology voucher under certain conditions. This allows them to try out technology such as artificial intelligence for their application purposes. Success Seeker also provides an “Ask an Expert” function. Specifically, we collect complex technical questions from our customers and discuss them together with AWS specialists.

Success Seeker is itself on a highly scalable AWS platform and has completed the migration process with medium-sized AWS experts.

Der Ludwig-Erhard-Preis, ist der älteste und hochwertigste deutsche Excellence-Preis, mit dem Unternehmen oder Institutionen ausgezeichnet werden, die sich um Excellence «Made in Germany» verdient gemacht haben. Die Initiative aus Deutschland (ILEP) ist ein Verein, der viele Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem ESPRIX Swiss Award for Excellence aufweist. 

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