How do we anchor success and solution thinking?

How do we anchor success and solution thinking?

Children know no management methods. They don’t do “change management workshops” and they don’t read guidebooks. And yet they manage – even without outside help – to successfully pursue their goals. Most likely by instinctively following these 5 Steps:
Erfolg anstreben

Little Tim has a goal – he wants to find the coolest friends on the playground to play with every afternoon after school. His goal for success is to have a great time with others.

Beziehungen pflegen
Beziehungen pflegen

Tim knows that children like to play in the playground with someone who is fair, funny and creative. The children’s parents attach great importance to it being respectful and peaceful. The playground operator expects the playground rules to be followed. 

Ausgewogen planen

Tim thinks about it and draws up a plan. He will show the children his best play ideas, share his toys with others and give others their freedom. And he will observe the playground rules to make sure there is no trouble. 

Praktisch umsetzen

Day after day, Tim puts his plan into action. He shows the other children how to play a new game, he shares his snacks and he makes sure that nothing bad happens. 

Erfolg sicherstellen

Tim is soon greeted by the other children on the playground. The parents are satisfied with Tim’s behavior and the respectful treatment of their children. There was never a complaint from the playground operator. Tim has achieved his goal – he now has lots of friends with whom he can play every afternoon.

This simple but striking example shows the application of our Thread of Success in everyday life. In fact, this basic approach works even for the most difficult professional challenges – by going into appropriate detail and always following the basic principles of “business excellence”.

With the Success Seeker and its Thread of Success, you can anchor a fundamental solution mindset in your organization in just 5 Steps. You remain compatible with all common standards such as ISO and (agile) management methods such as SCRUM.

How can you achieve success efficiently with the Success Seeker?

Are you surrounded by challenges in your organization? And your day-to-day business leaves you hardly any time to get things done? With our success trails and the success system, you can always find your own way to success a good solution. Our simple 5-Step procedure and our AI Hildegard will always give you orientation.


Step 1: Aim for success

You have set yourself the goal of not only being ahead of your competition, but also of taking a pioneering role in the integrative and cooperative work culture.  

For you, success means self-determined mastering of challenges in a team.

Step 1: Aim for success

Step 2: Nurture relationships

Expectations are high: management expects commitment and innovative ideas from employees, while employees expect their opinions to be heard and their contributions valued.

And of course everything should be done as quickly as possible and not cost too much. 

As always...

Step 2: Nurture relationships

Step 3: Plan balanced

The Success Seeker System becomes your tool to meet these expectations. To do this, you identify the path to success that is right for you and plan its implementation. 

One person takes on the role of “tour guide” and uses AI to adapt the path to success to your very specific challenges.

Step 3: Plan balanced

Step 4: Put it into practice

Great, it's about to start: you're setting yourself on the path to success digitally. This gives you structure and guides you step-by-step to your goals.

You will learn about the specialist topic and business excellence in a low-threshold way. You contribute your knowledge and insights directly. For example, by recording strengths, potential and ideas in the system and exchanging ideas personally. 

The system takes care of all the hard work and creates valuable reports for you. On this basis, you as a team plan and carry out an initial implementation.

Step 4: Put it into practice

Step 5: Ensure success

You made it! The first implementation is successfully behind you. You reflect on your results and your collaboration. 

You will proudly realize that you can overcome even the most difficult challenges and hurdles together in a short amount of time.

Since you now live business excellence in the organization, it is only a small step for you to an external assessment with official recognition. Why not?

Step 5: Ensure success