Conflicts in expectations regarding a recruitment solution (“Recruiting”)

Conflicts in expectations regarding a recruitment solution (“Recruiting”)

As project manager for the introduction of an applicant management solution (recruiting) for several SMEs, it was my task to record the requirements of the HR departments of the SMEs. The aim was to automate the process appropriately for all SMEs and to cover it with a common standard software.

Some expectations only had a single SME. Some of these would be very costly to implement, partly for legal reasons. For example, one SME requested that applications received by e-mail should also be automatically transferred to the IT solution, including attachments.

Only requirements that were necessary to achieve the objectives were included in the joint functional package. Plus other functions that all SMEs wanted.

Special requirements were charged to the individual SMEs. In the vast majority of cases, this meant a voluntary renunciation.

In the case of the special function mentioned, it turned out that it only occurred on average 1-2 times a month and required 10 minutes of manual time. The person responsible for HR was used to such a function from a previous position at a large corporation. She had formed her expectations of a “modern” HR system there. A good cost-benefit ratio was not part of this expectation.

Those who ask for expectations often receive a priceless concert of wishes. Always get to the bottom of the reasons for the requests and draw a clear picture of the costs and benefits. Many things take care of themselves when the consequences of wishes are passed on to those who want them. Be diplomatic, as many people are often unaware of the consequences of their wishes.