Making success easy

Making success easy

Discover the benefits of our 5-Steps-to-Excellence guide, which will lead you to success in 5 steps. Use this structure to learn what the key success principles and success factors of excellent organizations are.

Christian Forstner · October 9, 2023

The “Making Success Simple” path introduces you to our 5-Steps-to-Excellence guide to achieving success in five simple steps. 5-Steps-to-Excellence is always the basis of our Success Trails – in one form or another. It offers you orientation and structure.

The best thing about the 5-Steps-to-Excellence thread is its simplicity and naturalness. It is a universal guide that can always serve you well, even in private challenges.

You will also find a complete training course in business excellence here. You can get to know the practices of outstanding organizations, learn about the steps to success in detail and experience the principles of business excellence in a fun way.

We recommend that all users take advantage of this offer. Success Trail is free for all active Erfolgsuchers.

  • What is the 5-Steps-to-Excellence?
  • What is the benefit of the thread?
  • What steps does the thread consist of?
  • What are the success factors in the steps? 
  • What is the logic behind 5-Steps-to-Excellence?
  • How can you apply the thread to specific situations?
  • How does the thread help with other (management) models?
  • What are the principles of business excellence?
  • What good practices do excellent organizations apply?
  • Effort: 10 min – 30 minutes, depending on intensity. 
  • Participant: This is an experience thatshould do alone

Why is it worth the journey?

  1. You only learn 1 “method” that can help you with almost any problem. 
  2. You understand simple but important logic.
  3. You will be inspired by creative examples.
  4. You will see through more complex methods much more quickly. 
  5. You’ll have more fun with the Erfolgsucher system.

Who are your Erfolgshelfer?

Porträt von Christian Forstner mit lupe, freundlicher Ausdruck, SEO-optimiert.

Christian Forstner

Dr. sc. nat. (ETH)

During his work as a nuclear physicist in international research teams at the ETH in Zurich, Christian learned to observe complex processes in nature with a scientifically sharp eye and to derive simple rules from them.

Robert Knop unter einer blauen Lupe, professionell, analytisch, Porträtfoto.

Robert Knop

Dr., MBA, Dipl. Kfm.

Robert’s passion is to make corporate development tangible for everyone. After countless method battles, it was clear to him that this would not lead to success for down-to-earth SMEs. On the contrary. Pure method learning costs valuable time and harbors many pitfalls.

What unites Christian and Robert?

Robert and Christian have been business partners for many years and are friends. One important reason: they both love simplification. And both have developed their own intuitive approach. So what could be more obvious than to combine our shared expertise and use the “5-Steps-to-Excellence” to take everything that has gone before to a whole new level?

Simplicity is the highest level of perfection

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Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons