Frequently asked general questions about Success Seeker

Frequently asked general questions about Success Seeker

Why is it called Success Seeker?

We appeal to people and organizations that actively seek success and have a “why not?” mentality. 

“Success Seeker” can of course also be written with 2 “s”. The following rule applies to us: if several spellings are correct, we always opt for the shorter and simpler variant.

Who is the offer suitable for?

Success Seeker is generally suitable for companies (small, medium, large) and organizations (associations, chambers of commerce, municipalities, etc.) of all kinds. Based on the philosophy, customers should cultivate a “modern image of man” and strive to act entrepreneurially. The offer is probably best suited for progressive SMEs or medium-sized companies. 

Which language do you use?

We want language that is easy to understand,  does not exclude anyone and is personal. Therefore:

  • we avoid anglicisms and technical terms as much as possible
  • Let’s limit ourselves to a simple vocabulary
  • we refrain from using genders
  • we use the “you” form

For us, it goes without saying that we always address Success Seekers, Partners, Tour Guides, Implementers, etc. as well. 

We are convinced that simple language is the best way to involve everyone. Among other things, we want to explicitly address people who are not academics, for whom German is not their mother tongue and who do not (want to) know the usual buzzwords. 

What is the advantage over consulting?

Success Seeker and consulting are not mutually exclusive. Success Seeker is also a (special) form of consulting. Your advantages over traditional consulting are that you:

  • can start immediately
  • think more for yourself
  • can involve all employees more easily 
  • be more efficient
  • the success of independent
  • remains more independent
  • Saves costs

However, the Success Seeker system also has its limits, of course. Good advice can provide very good support here, including during implementation.

It is recommended to take advantage of any advice following a Success Trail. You then start at a much higher level, can choose your advice better and don’t pay for things you already know.

What is the advantage of going it alone?

Going it alone and Success Seeker are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other. After all, our aim is to promote the principle of helping people to help themselves.

The advantages over going it alone are that your:

  • Saves time for complex planning 
  • easier to take all employees with you
  • is guaranteed to be very systematic
  • Avoid tripping hazards more safely
  • be more efficient
  • receives many new impulses and inspirations for success

We are convinced that with Success Seeker you will significantly improve your cost-benefit ratio.

What is the advantage over traditional external training?

External training and Success Seeker are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other. Success Seeker is also a form of external training.

The advantages over traditional external training are that your:

  • give all employees a chance to participate
  • promotes the team culture in the company
  • focus on “success” and not on “CAS points” or a certificate
  • all learning always relates to your own company
  • all knowledge transferred directly to the company
  • can exchange confidential information with each other

However, the Success Seeker system also has its limits, of course. It is recommended to take advantage of any external further training after a Success Trail. You will then start at a much higher level, be able to choose the further training better and not pay for things you already know.

Why is Success Seeker 10x faster, 90% more efficient and 3x more sustainable than anything else?

Success Seeker takes effective corporate development to a whole new level thanks to digital transformation.

The system takes care of all the time-consuming processes of planning, initiation, documentation, structuring, pre-prioritization and evaluation. You can get started right away and contribute to success anytime, anywhere. 

The structure of the Success Trail ensures that you don’t forget anything essential and always stay on course. Wasting time and resources on unprepared meetings and participants is a thing of the past.   

The integration of all know-how carriers and the independent discussion puts everyone in the “driver’s seat”. If you steer yourself instead of just being a passive passenger, you make completely different progress in your development. Management decisions become more comprehensible and are better supported.

You bring about success yourself – and not because of third parties. By using simple language, avoiding method battles and anglicisms, and having a consistent “common thread” throughout, you will all be able to repeat the process naturally at a higher level at any time. 

All in all, this is at least 10 times faster, 90% more efficient and 3x more sustainable than conventional methods.

Isn’t support from a digital system “inhumane”?

As crazy as it may sound. We believe that our system makes systematic corporate development much more human.

People who are introverted, for example, have little professional experience, are not “external”, do not have a management function, etc., are often heard far too rarely. Even though they (can and want to) contribute a great deal to success. At Success Seeker, on the other hand, everyone can contribute and prove themselves. Right from the start.

And even if it were possible to involve all employees in the conventional way, it would be very time-consuming and in many cases unproductive. Meetings the size of a UN General Assembly develop their own dynamic (“many cooks spoil the broth”). Success Seeker, on the other hand, challenges everyone and the result is better with more or many participants.

All in all, we believe that Success Seeker makes corporate development much more “human” than it is in reality today.
