Frequently asked questions about Success Trail

Frequently asked questions about Success Trail

What are Success Trails?

Success Trails are structured, digital ways to achieve success goals effectively and efficiently. Success Trails lead you to your goal step-by-step, as in a competent consulting process. The participants are responsible for the specific design. As a result, the paths are very individual, because it is well known that many paths lead to success.

Which Success Trail should you take?

You should take the Success Trail that benefits you the most in your situation. Ask yourselves:

  • Which bottlenecks hinder us the most in our development?
  • What do we have major or recurring problems with?
  • What makes us sleep badly (due to work)?
  • Where are we wasting great potential?

It’s best to discuss this openly as a team. We are also happy to provide you with advice. So feel free to contact us.

Is it possible to combine Success Trails?

All Success Trails follow an intuitive “Thread of Success” and promote consistent success values. Methods always remain in the background. For this reason, a combination of very different paths is extremely intuitive. Once you have completed one Success Trail, you will find the next one even easier. Some paths also build on each other. 

What do the Success Trail require of the participants?

Success Trails can be mastered very well with common sense and knowledge of your organization alone.

To be successful, the participants need to:

  • Genuine interest in the topic 
  • Voluntariness and motivation to participate
  • Time and appropriate attention.
  • The trails challenge the participants, but they are not strenuous. 

What instruments does the management have?

Success Seeker “democratizes” the entrepreneurial orientation of organizations through the active participation of employees. The management determines the extent to which this should happen.

Every Success Trail has a tour guide for this purpose. It is up to the tour guide to determine, among other things:

  • Who can participate in the Success Trail
  • how quickly the milestones of the performance targets are to be achieved
  • how the specific procedure for implementation is determined

As a rule, the buyer is also the tour guide. Therefore, the tour guide also determines the Success Trail. However, a tour guide will only be able to lead his team to the goal of success if the goal is attractive and the way there is motivating. 
