How are the Success Trails structured?

How are the Success Trails structured?

What are Success Trails?

While traditional e-learning prepares individuals for a topic and ends with a quiz and a certificate, Success Seeker’s Success Trail is all about teamwork and practical implementation in the organization.

This is how Success Trails work:

  1. Team-oriented: A team works together to achieve specific goals.
  2. Structured: Every Success Trail has several Milestones, and each Milestone has several Steps.
  3. Practical: Success Trails simulate a proven approach to achieving specific organizational goals.

What can you expect on the Success Trail?

  • Understanding, knowledge and insights.
  • Analysis, prioritization and implementation.
  • Evaluation and reflection.

The paths provide structure and inspiration, but your team designs the process itself. The system does most of the work, leaving your team more time for creativity and discussion.

A few tips for successfully navigating the Success Trail:

  • Go at your own pace and decide for yourself how intensively you want to deal with the topic.
  • Take the opportunity to pause after each Milestone and reflect as a team.
  • The Success Center is the cockpit for all your Success Trails. Be curious and experiment! You can’t break anything.
Schritt-für-Schritt Erfolgsweg-Struktur zur Bewertung und Umsetzung.

All in all, the Success Trail offers the following benefits:

  • You will be guided step-by-step to your goal.
  • But you also have structure and complete freedom.
  • You continue your education and receive external inspiration.
  • You can all really contribute to our success. Each in their own way.
  • You can contribute at any time from anywhere.
  • You leave all the hard work to the system.
  • You avoid pitfalls and reduce risks.
  • You create success through your own efforts.
