How does the tour guide promote success?

How does the tour guide promote success?

Every Success Trail has a tour guide. This can consist of one or more persons. It’s up to you who takes on the role(s). It can be the buyer, the management or anyone in your team.

What are the tasks of the tour guide?

The task of the tour guide is to ensure that the team achieves the set target. The tour guide should in particular …:

  • make sure that you are pursuing the right goal for success.
  • support you if you have (comprehension) problems. To this end, the tour guide should always walk ahead of you so that they know what the team expects.
  • make sure that you achieve the Success Trail together and within the desired time frame.
  • provide a constructive and protected environment. As a team, you should always be able to communicate openly and respectfully with each other.
  • be your first point of contact for problems or suggestions etc.

What skills does the tour guide have?

In order to support the team in achieving the success target, the tour guide has the following competencies. The tour guide can… :

  • in the Success Center to invite and uninvite participants to the Success Trail. All participants should take part voluntarily and also have enough time to fulfill their responsibilities.
  • store information about your organization in the success center. This information helps to individualize your learning experience on selected Success Trails.
  • In selected Success Trails, store information that sharpens the focus of the trail or the success goal and improves your understanding (e.g. “by customers, we mean our patients”). This information is displayed at the appropriate points along the route.
  • Success Trails determine what the team should do in concrete terms during implementation – which always takes place outside the system. Of course, the team can decide this together, but it is up to the tour guide to document this decision appropriately.
